get fit or die trying

About a week ago I asked the Instagram world for any tips, tricks or support on prioritizing my health and wellness, and I was blown away by the response and really valid answers. I've taken some of the easiest switches and compiled them below: WATER. To make drinking water measurable and quick for someone like... Continue Reading →

Have baby, will travel.

As most of you know I travel a LOT with Lincoln in tow. Zack and I both travel constantly for work and we just make each week work. One week never looks the same as the week previous and we rely so much on the support of our families for our crazy schedule. The upside... Continue Reading →

one and done.

I have always been a believer that we would have one baby (naturally). I was open to possibly adopting or becoming a foster parent once our child was older. But all of a sudden I've had these days where I text my husband and say "Yeah this child thing is cool, let's have another." Or... Continue Reading →

flying frenzy

Stop what you're doing and read this. Flying has to be the weirdest human normalcy. I know that's sort of ironic, something normal being weird. But millions of people fly everyday and yet every aspect of it is weird. Hear me out. 1- goodness forbid that you want to pay for your cab ride on... Continue Reading →


Before Lincoln, I never thought twice about what I posted on social media. I was always a frequent user of many platforms, I loved sharing and I enjoyed seeing what friends were up to on a daily basis. Then Lincoln came and I started having these crazy ideas that my pictures had to be perfect.... Continue Reading →

daycare highs & nighttime lows..

The first week of daycare was hugely successful. Lincoln clamped on like a social butterfly, analyzing all of the 'big kids' moves. He had no problem adapting to their routine of 1 nap. He was put down for his regular morning nap but was having none of it knowing everyone else was still playing. So... Continue Reading →

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